A well-designed wellness program at work can lead to both healthy employees as well as a happy workplace. You want a program that is successful, right?
These are five hallmarks of successful workplace wellness programs that will deliver value for both the employee and employer, and produce the results employers want to see.
1. Programming and Interventions are Practical and Accessible
Today everyone is very busy and feels a lot of pressure. However, people will only do what is meaningful to them and important to them. Employees need comprehensive wellness programs, programming, and interventions to address their current needs, as well as pain points. Employees should have access to a variety of programs and interventions that cover a wide range of wellness topics. Wellness is more than physical health. Your employees will appreciate a range of activities, programs and other interventions that are scheduled at their convenience. Multi-channel delivery of your programming is possible, including in-person, online, audio recordings, video, and in print. Keep in mind that everyone learns differently.
2. The Organization and the Individual are the Focus
Too many wellness programs are focused on employee development. This only addresses half of the problem. It is important to have a healthy workplace climate, culture, and environment. The workplace environment should support healthy choices, as well as the easiest. Vegetables and snacks bars, as well as any other company events, should have healthy food options. Positive and supportive environments are essential for individuals who wish to make positive changes or keep their health and well-being.
A healthy workplace environment is just one part of a healthy workplace. A positive, supportive environment and culture are essential for a workplace.
The organization’s climate can be described as how employees perceive the workplace. Employee perceptions of the environment can be changed by changing the environment.
Edgar Schein, PhD, MIT researcher on organizational culture, says that workplace culture includes the work environment, workplace climate, and the unconscious, taken for granted beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that influence and shape employee behavior. Because workplace culture is more powerful than strategy, it can influence and be a major factor in any change process.
3. Wellness is integrated throughout the organization
Wellness should be more than a program. Wellness is a multi-dimensional, holistic concept/construct that can be applied to all other programs and interventions provided by employers, such as training and development, leadership and management training, employee benefits and work-life EAPs, safety, and corporate social responsibility. Too often, wellness and all other benefit types services and programs are left in their own silos. The strengths and resources of each program must be integrated with other programs. Employees should have seamless access to services that are tailored to their needs and wants. The company leadership must see wellness as a separate entity that is cohesive with benefits, workplace safety, and other infrastructure elements. Every aspect of an organization’s work should include employee health, wellbeing and well-being.
4. Wellness is not a one-way street
All existing employee benefit programs and employee support programs are linked to wellness. All the services that employees might require to address their personal issues are available to them seamlessly. Wellness is seen as the vast construct it is. Program strengths are frequently promoted, and resources can be easily shared between programs.
5. A Comprehensive Approach Is Offered
Every person is unique and each one seeks to solve a different problem. It is important to be able to meet the needs and wants of employees with a comprehensive approach. This comprehensive approach provides:
* Increase awareness
* Increased knowledge and skills
* Possibilities to try new lifestyle management techniques
* Employees have the opportunity to adopt new lifestyle habits in a supportive, safe work environment
Bottom line: Employers need to be clear about what they want their worksite wellness program accomplishes, what the health needs of the work force are, and offer programs and interventions to support them. This will help both the employees and the company thrive.